quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2011

Basic Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

Autor: Zoeb Hussian, Mohammad Z. Abdullah, Zanial Alimuddin
Editora: CRC Press
Idioma: Inglês
Ano: 2009
Número de páginas:234
Tamanho do arquivo: 10 MB

Following a concise overview of fluid mechanics informed by numerous engineering applications and examples, this reference presents and analyzes major types of fluid machinery and the major classes of turbines, as well as pump technology. It offers professionals and students in hydraulic engineering with background concepts as well as practical coverage of modern turbine technologies, fully explaining the advantages of both steam and gas turbines. Description, design, and operational information for the Pelton, Francis, Propeller, and Kaplan turbines are provided, as are outlines of various types of power plants. It provides solved examples, chapter problems, and a thorough case study.



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