domingo, 19 de junho de 2011

Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants

Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants

by: Edward Petrie

Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants #432947

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language: en [ english ]
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year: 2006

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The Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants, 2nd Edition is primarily written to assist all those who have a permanent or temporary interest in adhesives and sealants. For those new to the field, the Handbook will provide a fundamental knowledge base of materials and processes as well as reasons why they work and (more importantly) why they don’t work. To the more experienced reader, the breadth and thoroughness of the Handbook will provide a way to reduce time spent on trial and error development or on searching for the optimal recommended process. For the academic, the Handbook will connect the important theories regarding surface science, polymeric materials, and mechanics with practical products and applications of commercial significance. This edition includes major new sections on radiation curable adhesive, biological and naturally occurring adhesives, inorganic adhesives, role of bulk properties of the adhesive, non-destructive testing, and industrial application methods. A completely new chapter is devoted to adhesives used in various industries such as automobile, electrical / electronic, construction, packaging, aerospace, household do-it-yourself, and medical.
From the Back Cover

The Most Complete Guide to Adhesives and Sealants -- Now Expanded and Updated with the Latest Technical Advances and Products

The updated Second Edition of Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants brings together the latest information on the use of adhesives and sealants for bonding or sealing.

This focused yet comprehensive resource explores thermosetting, elastomeric, thermoplastic, and naturally occurring types -- and fully examines adhesive and sealant selection, specialty adhesives, and environmental and safety factors. The Second Edition of Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants now features:

  • A wealth of data from chemistry, material and surface sciences, and solid mechanics
  • Updated references on materials and processes
  • Numerous structural and nonstructural applications

Inside This Cutting-Edge Adhesives and Sealants Guide:
* Introduction to Adhesives and Sealants * Theories of Adhesion * Properties of Adhesive Materials and the Interphase Region * Surfaces and Surface Preparation * Joint Design * Test Methods * Classification and Formulation * Thermosetting Types * Elastomeric Types * Thermoplastic Types * Naturally Occurring Types * Specialty Adhesives * Selection of Adhesives and Sealants * Bonding and Sealing Specific Substrates * Effect of the Environment * Application Processes * Environmental and Safety Factors * Adhesive Use in Various Industries

New to this edition:
New sections on radiation curable adhesives, biologically and naturally occurring adhesives, nonconventional curing methods, reasons adhesives fail, structure-property relationships, nondestructive testing and failure analysis, and major trends in industrial applications.

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