sábado, 4 de junho de 2011

Engenharia de corrosão - Corrosion Engineering (Mcgraw-Hill International Editions)

Corrosion Engineering (Mcgraw-Hill International Editions)

by: Mars Fontana

Corrosion Engineering (Mcgraw-Hill International Editions)  library.nu #425145

md5: e24f198fe86e776a5b7bce9bdefdb9c8
size: 22.12 MB [ 23195898 bytes ]
type: .pdf
status: normal
language: en [ english ]
submitted by: anonymous


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year: 1986

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Here's the first corrosion text to clasify data by corrosives and environments-not materials. And that means Mars G. Fontana's Corrosion Engineering gives quick access to the design data you need on all corrosives,with isocorrosion charts for accurate look-ups and coverage that includes 8 forms of wet and dry corrosion. . . environments from pulp and paper to nuclear waste isolation to seawater. . . testing techniques,including tests for plastics and elastomers. . and cost and product liability reduction via quality control and assurance.

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